
Tuesday, March 28, 2006

愛 與 自 由







Life is unpredictable along with many of the things that come with it
Like friendships
Cherish them for the moment
Because you'll never know when they're gone
But even if they do
Put on a smile and move on
Some are for a season
Others are for a reason
And only time will tell...

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

In any relationship.
The essence of trust is not in its bind.
But in its bond.
So hold the hand of the person whom you love.
Rather than expecting them to hold yours."
When you need me but do not want me...

then i must stay.

When you want me but no long er need me...

then i must go. ~ Nanny Mcphee

Monday, March 20, 2006

從前有兩隻小豬,整天過著無憂無慮的生活,他們互相相愛著。每天主人送來吃的時 候,

公豬總是先讓母豬吃,等她吃飽了再上去吃母豬吃剩下的東西,每天晚上公豬總是給 母豬放哨,

他生怕主人乘他們熟睡時把母豬拉出去宰了。 日子一天天的過去,母豬日漸長胖,而公豬則一天天瘦下去。 有一天,公豬突然聽見主人在跟屠夫商量,要把長勢見長的母豬殺了給賣掉,公豬傷 心至極。

於是從那天開始公豬性情大變,每當主人送吃來時公豬總搶上去把東西吃的一乾二淨 ,

每天吃後便躺下大睡,並且告訴母豬現在換做她來放哨,如果他發現她沒放哨的話就 再也不理她。

漸漸的日子一天天過去,母豬覺得公豬越來越不在乎她,母豬失望了,而公豬還是若 無其事的過著安樂日子,

很快一個月過去了,主人帶著屠夫來到豬圈,他發現一個月前肥肥壯壯的母豬瘦的沒 剩下多少肉,

而公豬則長的油光發亮.這時的公豬拼命的奔跑,想引起主人的注意,表明他是頭健 康的豬。

終於,屠夫把公豬拖出豬圈的那一刻,公豬朝著母豬笑著說:『以後別吃這麼多!』 母豬傷心欲絕,拼命的沖出去,但圈門被主人關上了,擱著柵欄,母豬看著閃著淚光 的公豬。

那晚,母豬望著主人一家開心的吃著豬肉,母豬傷心的躺倒在以前公豬每天睡的地方 ,突然她發現牆上有行字:


Monday, March 13, 2006

This was my birthday cake =)
Saturday night met up with Alvin, Rui Teck and the basketabll gang to watch the Division 2 basketball matches at SBC. To our disappointment, none of the fighting scence has occurred this time. But we saw one player throwing water bottle to the court, and luckily it didn't hit anyone, especially the referees. The National Division 2 basketball matches are well known for its rough play and "come-on-lets-fight" attitute. The excitment that they bring to the audience is their WWF/WWE stunts, and sadly, not any skills that related to basketabll.

After the matches, Alvin, RT and I went to Geylang to look for "the-yummy-and-tassty" D24 durians. Haha, three of us finished 6 durians, which cost us 20 bucks. It was really great, not only the durians, but the time that old friends like us, gathered together and shared our lives. Of course, Alvin is still as lame as he used to be, for some points of time, we just felt like smashing the durian shells on his face. Oh well... lame~~~ (lame chop!)

Sunday I was busy with the filming, yah, being a "one-day-star". Haha, it was so cool working for a short film, I was so excited to see the cameras, the lights, the crane, the dolly and blah blah blah. Since we were new to the filming and acting, one shoot can really took us for up to an hour or so. It was a tiring task, because i am seriously NOT GOOD at smiling, but for those "supposed-to-be-happily-in-love" shoots, I have to "SMILE-AS-NATURAL-AS-POSSIBLE", gosh! And surprisingly, for the break up shoot, I only took ONE shoot! and my line was like "LET'S BREEAK UP". The whole group was teasing me to be a good heart braker, and i must be TRAINED brining up the break up (shakes head) =P

Oh yah, i told my mother i went to OPEN HOUSES, but well... actually i went to filming. heehee

Monday morning, i was supposed to prepare the essays for my uni application, but well, i just end up here talking craps and blogging.. woo hoo.. piak... bad jun xian =)

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

There are lots of moives that i want to watch

1. Munich

2. Big Momma's House 2

3. Rumor Has it

4. Brokeback mountain

5. Underworld Evolution

6. Mad hot ballroom

7. The shaggy dog

8. Date Movie

9. Nanny McPhee

10. Constant Gardener or An unfinished life

hmmmmm.... who want to watch with me ? =P

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Its time again for me to update what have I done in the February 2006

* Open a POSB saving account (2 years plan)

* Had 6 basketabll sessions at TJC and block 108

* Had 3 cycling sessions

* Watched the movie I NOT STUPID TOO again

* Officially completed the basketball referee course

* Gave 26 lessons of tuition (2 students)

* Watched the performance "Cursive" by cloud gate dance theatre of Taiwan

* Watched the performance "The last night of Taipan Jin"

* Got back my referee theroy test (84/100)

* Strike 4D and won a consolation price

* Cut my hair

* Had bah gu teh at bugis (nice!)

* Had a taste of swedish massage (lousy)

* Completed reading 7 books

* Had 36 games of referee experiences

* Donated S$60 for the chartiy organization (annually)

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