
Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Quotes from Bill Gates

If you mess up, it's not your parent's fault, so don't whine about your mistakes, learn from them.

Be nice to nerds. Chances are you will end up working for one.

Televeision is NOT real life. In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.

Life is not divided into semesters. You don't get summers off and very few employers are interested in helping you find yourself. Do that on your own time.

Your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life has not. In some schools, they ahve abolished failing grades and they'll give you as many times as you want to get the right asnwer. This doesn't bear the slightest resemblance to ANYTHING in real life.

Monday, February 26, 2007


你们可能相爱过,你们也可能喜欢着彼此,但是,为了什么原因你们没能在一起?也许你当时已经有另一伴,不能对他产生爱意。也许为了顾及家人的意见 ,你们没有在一起。


你宁愿这样关心他, 总好过你们在一起而有天会分手。你宁愿做他的朋友,彼此不会吃醋,才可以真的无所不谈。特别是这样,你还是知道,他永远会关心你的。当他那个特别的朋友,有什么不好呢?你心中的这个特别的朋友...? 是谁呢?


因为这就像是一场赌注,表白了之后不是在一起,要不就连朋友都当不成了。有些事不是你能预料的,或许对方不在意,你们还可以是朋友,但却已经不如从前的好。也是可惜,也是遗憾!但还有没有可能是另一种情况,你可能永远都不甘心只是朋友. . . .

你从不知道,我想做的不只是朋友. . . .

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Secret Love In Peach Blossom Land
by Performance Workshop and Ming Hua Yuan Taiwanese Opera Company Taiwan

Arguably the most famous play in modern Chinese theatre. Exquisitely written and directed in 1986 by playwright Stan Lai, and adapted into an award-winning (Golden Horse 1992 and Berlin Film Festival 1993) movie starring famous Taiwanese actress Lin Ching-Hsia in 1991.

Two theatre groups are mistakenly booked into the same venue for rehearsal. One is rehearsing for Secret Love, a melodramatic contemporary play about an old man’s wish to see an old sweetheart lost to him forty years ago in 1940s Shanghai during the war. The other is rehearsing for Peach Blossom Land, a traditional Hokkien opera comedy based on the classic Chinese story in which a cuckolded fisherman stumbles upon a secret island paradise, lives there happily for awhile, and then leaves to fetch his wife so she can join him on the island utopia.

Amidst much squabbling, the two groups resign themselves to dividing up stage time so that both can rehearse in spite of the other’s presence. At points, the two productions merge in a comic clash of contrasting dialogue and styles. However, as tragic scenes of an old man yearning for a lost love and farcical episodes of a fisherman who, having departed the secret paradise, cannot find his way back there again knit together, a surprising and complex new dialogue emerges from the chaos. Beneath the tears and laughter throbs a bittersweet yearning.

This production has touched the heartstrings of audiences everywhere. 20 years after its debut, this classic theatrical work remains fresh and relevant today, poignant in all its layers of meaning.

Performed in Mandarin and Hokkien, with English and Chinese surtitles.


Tuesday, February 20, 2007

When i was re-starting my computer, i drew(sketched)this :

My first virtual pet dog !
Ten Ways to be Generation S!

1) Get a boyfriend who is your classmate/polymate/jcmate/watever mate... make sure at least one of you look like you just came out from an anime series... doesnt matter if it's a horror anime series...

2) Create a blog together with titles like "XXX & AAA 4EVER!" Remember to substitute alphabets with numbers whenever possible! And mix up upper and lower casings. Examples, "XXX & AAA 4eVEr"

3) Make sure floating glittering animated cutesy pics flood your blog design with at least 200 hearts infesting like the Black Plague.

4) Post countless nauseating lovey dovey pictures of bf and yourself in 1000 compromising positions. Remember... if your viewers don't puke... it doesn't count!

5) Challenge yourself to post at least 100 "deardear" in a single paragraph! You can be creative and come up with "sweetie" or perhaps even "dar dar".

6) Be drama. Even if he bitches about your fingernails are crooked... CRY AND POST angry entry in your blog! Wail as if your parents just died.

7) Count every split second you are away from your bf and make sure everyone knows about it.

8) ONE MONTH ANNIVERSARY is a big event! Make sure you book at least a ballroom at Shangri'La and send written invites to all your friends, neighbours, enemies, animals at the Zoo...etc

9) What's The Truman Show? Make XXX & AAA Show! Bombard every details of your sordid life in explicit details in every entry! Everyone MUST share in your life! Doesn't matter if that day you guys ate only wanton mee for dinner and only managed to jerk each other off cos the other's ass was too sore from last night's gangbang. Share share!

10) If unfortunately you break up... write a thesis on why and what went wrong and shove it up everyone's throats. If you have to suffer... then everyone must suffer!

Thursday, February 15, 2007


但是事实却不是这样,你到底还是不属于我,你还是要寻找你的另一半,寻找一个真正的情人。当听到你有新情人,有新恋情了,我本应该为你高兴,但是心理却一直不是滋味,矛盾的感觉一直缠在心头,恨不得当初就没有认识你。痛苦的根源就是你 ,就是我对你的特殊感情,你让我快乐并痛苦着,但我却戒不掉了~~

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


When he starts singing :
"san1 zhi1 lao3 hu3 (three tigers)"

instead of
"liang2 zhi1 lao3 hu3 (two tigers)"

Obviously, he is drunk enough to produce the third tiger out of no where lah!
ha... stupid but funny !
I have a friend who doesn't like to sit on the public toilet bowl to shit.
(No, Gage, i am not mentioning about you here in this case.)

He feels dirty and uncomfortable, so he rather squat.


At the same time, this friend of mine.

Unfortunately, as a matter of fact.

He sleeps around.


So it sets me thinking, which one is more dirty ?

ha =p
It is unwise to tell people honestly that you can't drink.

Because they will just try their very best to make you DRUNK !

Sunday, February 11, 2007












Thursday, February 08, 2007

I was told to write a short intro about myself, so here it is :

经历了蛮多的人生起伏,有着超年龄的老成外表和心态。大多数的时候,我不喜欢做决定,不过对于喜欢的东西,我会坚持到底,有着不达到目标绝不休息的固执脾气。平常喜欢自己一个人安安静静的做事,不过,却喜欢有只小狗在脚边跑来跑去的感觉。目前,正朝着素食主义者的目标努力迈进,不过有时候还是会不小心吃到肉类食品。 ~ 李俊贤

Sunday, February 04, 2007

"What do you do with all your memories?
What do you do with all the love given?
Do you throw them away or hold on to them?
Or are you feeling lost with so much you have taken?"

Last night i went to watch the NTU HALL 2 Drama production "The store of Memorabilia" at the Jubille Hall. Although it was a simple drama production, i really enjoyed it.

It keeps me thinking, every one of us has memories, either good or bad. But how many of us cherish our memories? Is "forget and move on" always better for us? Or should we "hold on dearly to these memories".

Parents are always so concern about their children, but is it good to make decision for them, and tell them as-a-matter-of -fact "Mom knows what is the best for you!"

I am not criticizing anything here, but sometimes, i do believe, issue of the heart cannot be explained by logic. I always think that, it is better to blame ourself for doing the wrong things than to blame our parents in the future.

"Is it the end of the story? Or is it the beginning of a new story? Or maybe it is just merely a hit on the pause button."

6 weeks, 6 months, 6 years
How couples behave !!!

Dating process:
6 weeks : I love you WHOLEHEATEDLY.
6 months : Ahyo, don't ask me lah, you know my heart is with you.
6 years : We are like a family.

Back from Work:
6 weeks : Honey, I'm home.
6 months : Oei, I am BACK!!
6 years : -silent-

6 weeks : Honey, I really hope you like the roses.
6 months : Do you like the ring?
6 years : Here's the money. Go buy anthing you like lah.

Phone Ringing:
6 weeks : Sweety, somebody wants you on the phone.
6 months : Here, for you.
6 years : PHONE RINGING.

6 weeks : I never knew food could taste so good!
6 months : Are we dinning out later?
6 years : What! you cook AGAIN!!!!

6 weeks : My sweet-heart, don't you worry, I will never hold this against you.
6 months : Watch out! Don't do it again.
6 years : Please use your brain. What's not to understand about what I just said??

New Dress:
6 weeks : Oh my God, you look like an angel. I can't take my eyes off you.
6 months : You look better without your cloths.
6 years : New Dress ? How much did THAT cost me?

Planning for Vacations:
6 weeks : Dear, where do you like to go?
6 months : What's so bad about going to Genting huh?
6 years : Travel? I am travelling to Bintan every week!

6 weeks : Come on, I can't wait anymore.
6 months : Can I switch off the light?
6 years : You must be MAD~
Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself.

Friday, February 02, 2007


中午騎著腳踏車,到台北街頭一家韓國餐廳吃午餐。該店生意挺好、冷氣很強、外觀頗乾淨,老闆娘也挺挑剔,廚師蛋煎太小,她會退回,要廚師重煎一顆。 店裡人潮洶湧,我找了一個涼快的地方坐下,看看菜單,叫了一個牛肉豆腐鍋,看來挺可口,但人潮不斷,只好等待,幸好韓國菜總有一堆前菜,泡菜、海帶、豆乾之類。 我隔壁桌坐著一個女孩,她的菜已來,也叫了一個鍋。一分鐘後,隔壁女孩 尖叫,雙腳跳起,撞到後面牆壁,險些昏倒。老闆娘和服務生趕過來,女孩指著桌子。 原先我看不清楚,經仔細一瞧,老天,滿桌的蛆,每條大約零點二至零點三公分,女孩驚懼不已,老闆娘和服務生也嚇住。數秒鐘後,老闆娘回過神,服務生抹布一 蓋,猛擦!此時,蛆開始亂竄,有的掉落地面,有的被抹布吸走。 我看呆了!蛆從哪裡來的呢?鏡面的桌子,不可能長出蛆來,塑鋼的桌腳也無法長蛆;而那個韓國泡菜豆腐鍋還在滾,是鋁鍋,溫度少說也近百,蛆怎能藏在裡面呢?至於小菜,剛剛服務生才裝進塑膠盤裡,應也沒問題。但蛆怎會忽然出現呢? 我終於注意到兩樣可疑的東西!首先是鍋子的木質墊子,但這東西天天用,而且在我印象中,豆腐鍋送到女孩桌上數分鐘,女孩一直在吃小菜,若有蛆早該爬出,所以可能性較小。 剩下湯匙和筷子了,湯匙是鐵製的,不可能!筷子?筷子?就是那雙免洗筷,漂亮漂白過的竹筷子!當服務生送來時,是用餐巾紙包裹,我看到女孩用湯匙喝了兩口湯,然後把竹筷子放入滾燙的鍋中,數秒鐘後再從湯裡抽出,放在小菜盤子上,接著,數秒後她尖叫! 蛆本來就在「筷子」裡,韓國小菜是涼的,所以沒事,豆腐鍋太熱,當筷子放到鍋裡,蛆受不了熱便鑽了出來!

【 2004-10-14 / 聯合報 /E6版 / 繽紛 】
衛生筷製造簡介 東南亞國家砍下的竹材→工廠加工成竹筷→經硫磺燻白或雙氧水漂白(並非消毒)→烘乾、加工成妳我所見的筷子→裝箱或裸露的置在船艙底運至台灣→ (蟑螂、老鼠、病菌茲生)加工包裝(毫無消毒)→販售親愛的朋友! 我們現在連腳踩的蜜餞都覺得噁心,但卻用著比人腳踩過(是蟑螂、老鼠的腳喔)還更骯髒的筷子送進嘴裡而渾然不覺。 請養成隨身攜帶筷子的習慣,千萬別嫌麻煩,尤其吃著漂白的筷子,更會罹患不知名的疾病,一時的方便可能造成妳我一生的痛,讓各種怪病纏身。 為了您的健康與環保, 請自備筷子!

這是真的,要不然在使用免洗筷之前先用熱開水泡個三五分, 妳就會看到漂白劑溶解在熱開水中... 為了自己的健康,準備一雙筷子,擺在公司,很重要強烈建議: 帶一雙筷子放在公司吧?! 又環保 又衛生噢... 昨天參加趙可式教授的「2004年安寧療護傳愛種子培班」,趙老師說:妳們什麼都可以沒聽進去,請一定記得"勿再使用衛生筷"了,因為大陸進來的免洗筷(現在幾乎皆是大陸進口的) ,製作過程材料本身已經長滿了長長的五顏六色黴菌,處理過程是一道防腐劑, 一道漂白劑 (皆超過標準劑量的幾千倍) 等等,都是致癌carcinogen的,趙老師 (自從參觀過製筷工廠) 已經5年未用免洗筷,為免忘了帶家用筷子,她每一個包包都放一雙,更何況,可以洗過重複使用的才環保呀。趙可式博士又說: 如果你以前到現在每天用免洗筷吃飯,未來還是如此... 有一天被診斷為癌症時 請不用再問-------為什麼是我?

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