
Saturday, February 14, 2004

ya... phew... finally... here is my own blog...hahha...sounds new? ok lah.... Sam always asks me to create a new blog... but... well... hahhaha.... my computer was really suck at tt time... and now with new com... i think i can blog more often le...hahhha.....

Oh ya the most impt thing is to thanks BS for helping me doing and making this blog... better not spell out her name... she doesn't want people to know tt her name is Bao Si... ooopsss......hahhha....ya.... later she get angry... heeee

can u all see anything in my blog? hope u can? have a nice stay here... this is my first blog... i will try to put more stuffs here... do give me a feed back after visiting it...hahhha.... take care and have a happy V DAY!

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