
Monday, May 24, 2004

I feel like screaming out F words now...
F the whole things that ruined my day today...
F the econ lectures, tutorials and tmr test
F the PE teachers.. both of U
F the whole damn shit tt i am suffering now......


Anonymous said...

BruddER..dun GEt so upTigHT and fuCked Up ok...SometimEs liFE juS GEt uS dowN..and we GEt s0 pisSEd oFF...ChiLL La...tmR wiLL bE beTTER...eVErytHiNG wiLL bE FinE...CheER up Br0thEr..wiLL aLwiX supporT u~~~!!!! =)-LeeN fu....

Charmaine. said...

eh eh... chill man chill. nv seen u so fed up b4. aniwaes, if wan scold fuck scold la! y FFFFF all in bold? singapore gif us free speech n movement u noe... haha* take care guy!

:.:dreaa:.: said...

wow.relax.sometimes jc life just sucks. great u got mentors. marcus ng is a nice guy. =D


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