
Monday, October 06, 2008


Received this sms after the HT401 project presentation:

Eh sorry ppl today my attitude very bad, esp to MJ Change thing also never tell u n very impatient. Sorry. tend to vent anger on u 2, esp JX. partly cos i never fin stuff, stress through hol, then affect this project, like drag meeting time, if not can confirm topic sooner. sorry ok.

This sms was sent to me by one of the group mates, XH. (3 ppl in a group)

Usually, i will be nice, and reply something like: "orh its ok, dun worry, its not your fault... etc."

OR maybe i will be nicer and say something like: "Don't worry, you did a great job after all."

This time, i just decided to ignore the sms, I didn't know what to reply after all.

I am not trying to be an "iron hearted" person, but seriously, i cannot tahan this girl in my group.

Yes, its true that, she put in the most effort in this project. I recognized that.

But is not that we are not doing our parts for the project, its just because she can't take in ppl advice and suggestions.

She thinks she is right.

She asks you for ur suggestions just to prove that she is right.

She did most of the work, because she thinks that we cannnot do anything right.

Yes, it may be too personal here, but that 's how i felt.

She asks for your opinions, you told her your opinions.

She just said NO NO NO, REJECT REJECT REJECT...etc.

So i learnt, i just kept my mouth shut during the project meetings.

I learnt, i learnt how NOT to be punctual for the project meetings.

If we are going to meet at 1pm, the earliest she will reach is 1.30pm?

She has made it clear that, she will not apologize for being late.
Can u believe got such ppl in the world ?

The most disgusting thing is that, she changes our ppt slides right before the presentation.


My part was alright, initially she wanted to take out one slide, but in the end she put it back, it didn't affect me anyway.

But for MJ's case, i think it was too much.

MJ didn't expect the change of slides at all, so when MJ was presenting half way, she suddenly realized the ppt slides shown on the screen, were different from what she has prepared.

So she got tongue-tied and she couldn't continue her presentation, and XH went over and continue the presentation.

MAYBE, XH really didn't do it on purpose. I gave her the benefit of doubts.

But still…. from my point of views, its still unacceptable.

XH was not my friend. She is not my friend. And she will not be my friend.

I feel sorry for MJ for not doing well in the presentation,

and I feel sorrier for MJ for having such friend.


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