
Thursday, July 31, 2008

Make friends, not foes.

A university lecturer once did this test on his class. He instructed his students to write down a list of names of the people whom they hate on a piece of paper.

And so all the students did. Some wrote a long list within seconds, some wrote afew while some wrote none at all.The lecturer noticed this trend, that students who wrote alot of names on the piece of paper are more likely to get their own names written on other student's paper.
Whereas students who didnt write anything, have the least chances to get their own names written on other student's paper.

This phenomenon explains one thing. How you treat people, reflects upon yourself. It's a mirrored-effect.

When you smile into the mirror, a smile gets reflected back. And when you hate somebody, someone will bound to hate you back. So if you have a long hate list of names, erase it today.Make friends, not foes.

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