Tuesday, December 19, 2006
作词:阿信 作曲:阿信
星星在闪烁 你怎么说
星星在闪烁 你会怎么说
你会怎么说 星星在闪烁
我想我应该轻轻放开你的手 我却没有力气这么做
我想我应该轻轻放开你的手 我却没有力气这么做
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Friday, December 15, 2006
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
This monday I went to my friend's office at Ubi to help him sort out all his comapny's documents for the year 2006. We had to separate the contracts, tax invoice, quotation and etc and then filed it in company by company.
After 6 hours of hard work, we came to this stage.
In the end, my friend and I got frustrated, and we just dump all the documents before year 2001 to the rubbish bin. Oooops ~
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
My first exam paper starts tomorrow. haiz. Headache.
Since I am revising my econ paper, i should blog about my econ tutor.
Seriously, after a term of tutorial with her, i still can't remember her name.
This china tutor of mine, has difficulties in pronouncing some words, eg
words - her pronounciation
bats - butts
labour - neighbour
key chains - kitchen
equilibrium - act-cool-lee-brain
melvin - muffin
profit - perfect
the best is the word "signal", she will pronounce it as "sea-ga-no" with a japense essence.
I am not laughing at her, because until now, i still cannot pronounce some word properly, like "prawn".
Anyway, its a joy to attend her lesson, because she has a weird sense of logic that can make you laugh non-stop.
Tutorial quesion : A 20% increase in the price of a can of soft drink may actually increase the seller's revenue, why is it so?
Her answer was : Soft drink doens't cause much, a 20% increase may only be 20 cents in real life. Besides that, Soft drink has many alternatives, if i don't drink soft drink, i can still drink "pepsi" and 'coca-cola"!
faint ! -____-
Apparently, she thinks that pepsi and coca cola are not consdier as soft drink lah :P
Thursday, November 09, 2006
有一天,John 的媽媽來看John。
飯桌上,媽媽一再注意到與 John 同住的男室友 Mike長得非常秀氣,而且覺得二人的眼神交流也非比尋常,她十分懷疑兩人的關系是否真的僅限於室友。
John也發現了媽媽的想法,於是主動跟媽媽說明:“我知道你在想什麼,不過我可以向你保証,Mike 和我是純粹的室友,絕對沒別的。”
一個星期後,Mike 跑來跟 John說:“自從你媽媽來吃過晚飯之後,我就一直找不到我那把純銀的湯匙,你覺得會不會是她拿走了?”
我不會說你和Mike “睡”在一起,
我也不會說你和Mike “沒睡”在一起,
Monday, October 30, 2006
作为商品和消费者之间的渠道,广告卖的当然不仅仅是目不暇接的各色商品,在谴责文化工业(Cultural Industry)和商品社会挂钩联结并且达致共犯结构的批评系谱中,广告是一个光怪陆离的异兽,吞吐着我们的希望和欲望,提醒我们只有(不断的)消费才是一种与社会发展步伐集体跟进以及维持关系的行为。 对于马克思(Karl Marx)来说,商品文化(commodity culture)是一个必须揭开面纱的谜团,不过生产和消费之间的矛盾纵然很可能是异化(alienation)的根本,但似乎已经是一个大家都心甘情愿接受的事实。不过,最近引起争议话题的一则由本地阿姐级艺人郑惠玉所拍摄的平面广告,兜售的虽然还是对于美肤美容的消费追求,不过却有趣地制造出了另一种涉及集体大众如何对情欲进行消费和理解的谜团。
广告的语境是阿姐舒服享受地躺在柔软适中的床上,双眼直视着镜头/消费者/观看者,摆出了一副充满自信和愉悦的神情,旁边在商家名号之上的英文广告词打上了那么一句:“My secret to beautiful skin? I swallow.”。
如果将这句自问自答的广告词翻译成中文,正如这起事件经由互联网上众多博客文章中揭盅后受到了本地华文媒体竞相报道的做法:“我的美丽肌肤的秘诀?我吞。”当中的情色影射(sexual innuendo)似乎就在跨语际的翻译实践中有点荡然无存,甚至较之阿姐微许性感撩人的姿势更加不具备让人遐思的想像空间,更遑论激起任何消费的意图。
因为都是对于心底欲望的再现(representation)和折射,广告和情色的作用和功能往往相得益彰,两者的结合仿佛天造地设,或隐或显的潜伏在我们的四周,成为了类似法国社会学家布希亚(Jean Baudrillard)指称的象征符号形式供大家进行消费。
在这则广告标词双关意涵所引发的争议当中,需要进一步深讨的地方,其实并不是追问阿姐到底吞了什么,或者构思设计这款口服美容品海报的原初意念,而是 “I swallow”这个商品符号(commodity-sign),在产生和投射出诸多歧义和情色想像之际,“swallow”到底有什么值得大惊小怪的? 一度被视为是美国60年代“性革命”代表人物之一的女性作家海伦·布朗(Helen Brown),曾戏谑的建议所有女人将男人的精液涂在脸上当成面膜使用,因为精液能制造婴孩并且富有蛋白质,而且这种做法必定能使男人感到满足。
当然,自从提出了这种离经叛道的说法之后,在那一个对于女性议题开始高度敏感的时代,主编国际知名杂志《大都会》(Cosmopolitan)长达 32年的布朗也随之从女性主义者的神圣殿堂中除名。不过,有些批评者在责难布朗之余也随即意识到,提倡女性身体自主自觉的一个不自觉的前提、隐忧和代价:到底女性情欲开放的目的和手段,是恢复对于女性主体的掌控和主宰,还是仅仅换了另一种背地里服从和满足男性霸权的面目?
在布朗引起的争议中,除了透露出现代社会对待精液的一种复杂暧昧,糅杂了爱恨意识的态度之外――这个白色浓稠液体的最终归途和作用,显然不只和不限于女人的卵巢和传宗接代式的繁殖功能,一如精液的英文单字semen具备了种子(seed)和播种(to sow)的拉丁文原意;而且也有如对话形式般延续了西方思维在历史流变过程中,对于精液的不同文化诠释。 基督教神学最重要的奠基者圣奥古斯丁(Saint Augustine)认为,精液是原罪的根源和传承的途径,开启这一宿命的罪恶场景的,即是伊甸园中的亚当与夏娃。从此之后,一代接着一代的繁衍,注定背负着偷尝禁果的烙印,大家务须要在精液以外寻求必要的救赎。
不过,《圣经》里对于精液最经典以及最受后世援引的事迹,却不是伊甸园中的这一幕,而是犹大(Judah)次子俄南(Onan)不愿遵从父命为其兄遗留后代,跟寡嫂同房时总是将精液遗泄在地上,最终惹怒上帝招致杀生之祸的一节。在18世纪的西方现代医学萌芽的时期,“俄南行为”(Onanism)即成为了中断性交(coitus interuptus)然后在体外射精或者手淫的代名词,任何不是为了延续子嗣的精液用途,除了会触犯神怒之外,也将严重损害个人的健康。
华人民间流传着这样的说法:“一滴精,十滴血”,看似来自中国传统养生生息的观念,不过将精液和血液等同对比,源头相信却是来自18世纪瑞士籍医生山姆·提索(Samuel Tissot)更加夸大的说法:一盎司的精液,等于40盎司的血。 虽然没有类似西方基督教的教条制约,不过中国古代的传统医学也是反对精液的任意损耗,主张“保精固元”的养生之道,明代袁黄在其医书《摄生三要》里,就提出了以节劳寡欲的方式进行“务实其精”的做法。 传统中国医学倡导“保精”的概念,连这一时期具备性学教程和情色性质的众多房中术典籍,也在巨细靡遗的直接和间接描绘当中,纳入了要求读者不能随意泄精的规劝,要节制和防范的并非男女双方的情欲浮动,而是男性单方的精液崩堤。荷兰学者高罗佩(R. H. van Gulik)在《中国古代房内考》(Sexual Life in Ancient China)中,也把精液跟血液作了比附,将这种具有道家修炼色彩的驭女之术称为“性爱吸血主义”(sexual vampirism)。
英文有一句词语用法:“swallow my pride”(吞咽下我的自尊),狭义的意思可以单指一个人忍气吞声或者屈尊就纡的作为,广义的指涉通常表示一个男人在为了顾全大局和使命的情况下,暂时抛开个人骄傲和尊严的大无畏情操。以这句简单常见的词语作为戏仿的对象,"Swallow My Pride"也是一系列欧美色情影片的名字,情节一反过去传统色情影片的结束镜头,男主角的精液并非遗泄在女主角的颜面或者性器官的周围,而是由女主角吞咽下肚。
不过,精液作为男性尊严的象征以及压制女性的“swallow”隐喻,却绝非色情影片或者现代情色文化的发明。 成书于明朝年间的中国情色书写传统中最重要的代表作《金瓶梅》,在描绘主人公西门庆和潘金莲、李瓶儿等角色周旋纠缠之际,就带进了不少“swallow”的情节,并且从中极为深刻而且吊诡的凸显了以欲止欲的书写策略。
在媒体针对这起阿姐广告事件进行的报道中,接受访问的公众人士置评时都各持己见,“I swallow”到底有没有逾越创意的限度,完全视乎广告和个人的品味。《金瓶梅》有一段以诗词形式的情色描述“深吞添吐两情痴,不觉灵犀味美”,凑巧的也是着重强调了“swallow”的品味。
You Have Your Sarcastic Moments |
Friday, October 27, 2006
妹 :「还不都是因为你」
妹 :「没错,我们家总要有人有出息吧!」
妹 :「哥,你是我见过最爱干净的人」
妹 :「不管什么事,你都推得一干二净」
Monday, October 23, 2006
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Luckily everything was completed nicely (i hope) in the end.
I just got back my psycho quiz, i got 40/60, surprisingly!
But i don't think i will take anymore psycho module, its too wordy and hard-to-digest for me.
Life is busy, and its getting monotonous.
My everyday life become like this:
Wake up, eat breakfast, go sch, sleep or read newspaper in the train, lecture, lunch, tutorials, go home, dinner, tuition and sleep.
Notice that i didn't leave any time for "study" and "exercise"! :P
Exam is coming ! Alert !
Sigh, just hope that i can pass with decend grades!
Afterall, its my first sem in the sch, i dun have much expectaition!
But, I should really start studying soon, oh no~
Yesterday was my mom birthday,
so i brough her to the VIVO city.
It was really an eye opener for both of us!
Everything is so new and so interesting to us.
We had dinner at XIN FU YAM CHA,
i think two of us had abt $40++ dim sums.
yum yum, but its so expensive right.
oh right. I think my post will end here.
Time to sleep! ha ha.
Everyone wanna go out study with me ? lolx
Friday, October 20, 2006
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
My priorities in life:
Pride - Family - Love - Career - Money
I am friendly.
My partner is lazy.
My enermies are disgusting.
I interpret sex as awakening.
My life is relaxing.
My mother is someone I will never forget.
Yang consider me as true friend.
Father is someone i really love.
Alvin is my twin soul.
Jesmen is someone that i willl remember for the rest of my life.
Interesting :) http://memoriter.net/flash/test.html
Thursday, October 05, 2006
You're a career-oriented person who's not afraid to log some long hours to get the job done — and done right. Your peers admire your drive and creativity and nothing feels better than hearing your boss or clients compliment your work. But, you know, if you glance out a window for a minute, you'll notice that there's a whole world going on out there, and you just might be missing a lot of it.While it's great that you're so committed to your career, you've got to make sure you're not forgetting about friends, family, and fun. We know you've got bills to pay and goals to attain, but don't make work your whole life. And if you just can't figure out a way to scale back your hours, then at least make sure you're planning a nice vacation.
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Monday, September 25, 2006
Capricorn Personality
Capricorns are diligent, conscientious, hardworking and cautious, seldom allowing themselves any sort of permissiveness; this makes them among the most reliable people to work with. You endure hardship well and can be very tolerant, slogging your way up life's steepest climbs and climb you must. You are highly ambitious and will work your way up with patience and hard work - exactly like the mountain goat that represents your Zodiac sign. You have an admirable sense of discipline and a good head for managing finances. Most of you are self-contained and tend to carve your own way. Those who know you well will admire you for your sense of duty, your selflessness in service and your devotion. Although not exactly the centre of attraction at parties, you have a sense of humour that many find attractive. You are sure-footed and most of your productivity is the result of the confidence you bring to your work. You tend to spend far too much energy in bein g the achiever. You also tend to be moody and fairly self-destructive.
Capricorn Lover
Your ardent and incurabe romantic yearning for true love, which is checked by Saturn -- the stern planet of discipline. It commands you to be calm, practical and serious. To top it all your practicality and sensibility ensure that you snag the right partner in marriage who can be a good parent and do you proud. Those belonging to the zodiac signs of Taurus, Scorpio and Virgo will make good partners for Capricorns. Nevertheless, love for a stable home and loyalty towards the spouse are your primary concerns. Man or woman, Capricorns love their home, but they are reverent about family ties -- be these their own or the ones created with the partner. If you marry a Capri then be prepared to love your in-laws, no matter what. They seldom marry in haste and abhor divorce, but when it happens it is final.They are pretty good and strict parents always concerned with the best for their children's future.
Capricorn Professional
Capricorns make good business people. Shrewd and hardworking, it is unlikely that you will take any rash decisions. You are ambitious and even if you do not have a career of your own, you will make sure your spouse climbs the ladder. You are not up to too much competition and will work at your own pace and deliver the best you can. Capricorns will do well in the fields of academics, industry and even agriculture. Dealing with antiques is also a good profession for you. Money rarely comes to you as an unexpected windfall. It will come through hard work and it will come in a bit late. You should, however, settle down comfortably by the time you are in your early forties.
Capricorn Traveller
You love high places and blossom on mountains. Though you would love to go on a luxurious and comfortable holiday but you are equally frugal about spending money even on a holiday..and keep your expenses in check. Even on holiday you keep yourself disciplined and active; no overindulgence for you. You enjoy historical places and the romance surrounding them.
Capricorn teens
The Capricorn lad will rarely find any leisure since he will be busy chalking out future plans. Serious by nature, he has no time for flippant socialising and has his mind on more important matters. Of course he doesn't want to be rude, but his passion for getting things done often makes him a little bossy. In his leisure time the Capricorn boy loves to indulge in competition, especially in sports, and he finds it very difficult to cope with defeat. For that he needs the support of his compatriots. One-to-one competition also appeals to him. Practical and reliable, he can be trusted with any new responsibility. At the end of the day, a Capricorn boy likes to be surrounded by the spoils of his success. He has been striving for it all through the day. Someday his toils will pay off and he will rule the world.
Capricorn Well Being
Capricorns are diligent, conscientious, hardworking and cautious, seldom allowing themselves any sort of permissiveness, making them among the most reliable people to work with. You endure hardship well and can be very tolerant, slogging your way up life's steepest of climbs and climb you must. You are highly ambitious and will work your way up through patience and hard work - exactly like the mountain goat that represents your Zodiac sign. You have an admirable sense of discipline and a good head for managing finances. Most of you are self-contained and tend to carve your own way. Those who know you well will admire you for your sense of duty, your selflessness in service and your devotion. Although not exactly the centre of attraction at parties, you have a sense of humour that many find attractive. You are sure-footed and most of your productivity is the result of the confidence you bring to your work. You tend to spend far too much energy towar ds achieving in your work field. You also tend to be moody and fairly self-destructive.
Capricorn Luck
It is the darker colours, the colours of night, that bring you luck. Black, brown, blue and grey will be good colours to wear, while in gemstones you should choose sapphire, amethyst, garnet and black onyx. Numbers 1, 4 and 8 and those that add up to these prove lucky for Capricorns. Saturday is your lucky day. Saturn is your ruler and your element is earth
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
I am trying hard to catch up, trying to be a good student. But everytime i feel like i am just procrastinating. I can spent the whole afternoon reading and clearing emails, doing some admin stuff, read ppl's blogs. And when i wanted to settle down and do my work, my com crashed down due to virus attack! Screwed the virus.
My reading is piling up like a small mountain. And i have endless tasks to be settled. Like bank in the cheque, pay the bills, sent out emails, filing my notes, buying my text books, referee, tuitions, charity work and blah blah blah.
Everyone knows that I am studing at NTU, i am a uni student, so they like to treat me like a genius and tell me that : "You are the most suitable person to carry out this task, beacause u are a uni student!" Screwed them !
My tuition kid is taking her PSLE exam next month. I am stress!
My reading notes is piling up. I am stress!
My quizs and tests are coming up. I am stress!
My pocket is burning. I am stress!
My assignment is due this friday. I am stress!
It has been a long time since I last met up with friends to watch a movie, to have a meal, to chit chat and spend some quality time together.
Life is short. I know that. So i want to complete as many things as possible in the shortest time period. But, i am a human, i need a break. Time to sleep. Good night. zzzzzzZzzzzzz
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Two travelling angels stopped to spend the night in the home of a wealthy family. The family was rude and refused to let the angels stay in the mansion's guestroom. Instead the angels were given a small space in the cold basement..................... As they made their bed on the hard floor, the older angel saw a hole in the wall and repaired it. When the younger angel asked why, the older angel replied, "Things aren't always what they seem."
The next night the pair came to rest at the house of a very poor, but very hospitable farmer and his wife. After sharing what little food they had the couple let the angels sleep in their bed where they could have a good night's rest. When the sun came up the next morning the angels found the farmer and his wife in tears. Their only cow, whose milk had been their sole income, lay dead in the field? The younger angel was infuriated and asked the older angel how could you have let this happen? The first man had everything, yet you helped him, she accused. The second family had little but was willing to share everything, and you let the cow die.
"Things aren't always what they seem," the older angel replied. "When we stayed in the basement of the mansion, I noticed there was gold stored in that hole in the wall. Since the owner was so obsessed with greed and unwilling to share his good fortune, I sealed the wall so he wouldn’t find it."
"Then last night as we slept in the farmers bed, the angel of death came for his wife. I gave him the cow instead. Things aren't always what they seem."
Sometimes that is exactly what happens when things don't turn out the way they should..................... If you have faith, you just need to trust that every outcome is always to your advantage. You might not know it until some time later...
Some people come into our lives and quickly go…
( )
Some people ( )
become friends (_) and
stay awhile...
leaving beautiful footprints on our hearts...
有些人成为朋友并稍作停留… 在我们的心里留下美丽的足印。
( ) and we are never quite the same because we have made a good friend!!
( )
(_) 因为有了一个好朋友,我们会变得跟从前不一样!!
Yesterday is history. 昨天是历史。
Tomorrow a mystery. 明天是一个谜。
Today is a gift. 今天是一个礼物。
That's why it's called the present!因此它才被称为present! (present同时具有当前、目前和礼物的意思)
Monday, August 28, 2006
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
I want to see the world
I want to leave this dump
So I am on my way
我 想 要 长 大
我 想 要 看 这 世 界
我 想 要 抛 开 一 切 束 缚
所 以 我 向 前 走
I want to leave your shadow
You don't know what I want
You don't know what is best for me
So let me be. I need to go
我 想 要 离 开 你 的 影 子
因 为 你 不 知
我 要 的 是 什 么
所 以 请 你 放 手 吧
让 我 向 前 走
So I grow
I travel far from home to work
So I put myself out of my comfort zone
And I am going to leave you
我 慢 慢 长 大
我 离 家 出 外 工 作
只 因 我 不 想 安 安 稳 稳
所 以 我 要 离 开 你
So I plan
I am going to leave all these behind
So I try new things
And make you worry
我 计 划
抛 开 一 切
尝 试 新 的 东 西
为 的 就 是 让 你 担 心
But when I turned back to wave goodbye that day
I saw the sadness in your eyes
You didn't know I was looking
But you quickly smiled back
when you saw me looking back
那 天
当 我 转 身 说 再 见 时
你 笑 了 笑
试 图 掩 盖 你 眼 里 的 悲 伤
Then I had a realisation
I can never quite leave you
Even after making up my mind to leave this dumpster
I can never quite leave you
我 领 悟 了
不 管 我 多 么 想 要
我 还 是 永 远
离 不 开 你
for mommy
给 妈 妈
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Mr Huang : "Class, what is literature ?"
Student A : "Literature is something that you cannot define."
Student B : "Literature is what your teachers asked you to read."
Student C : "Literature is like a hamburger!"
Rest of us : "Huh ?
Mr Huang : "Why you say so ?"
Student C : "Because the two layers of bread are Creativity and Popularity, while the layer of the meat, represents the essences of the literature....."
Rest of us : "WOW !
*Mr Huang didn't catch the last part of the sentence, so he asked again*
Mr Huang : "What is the meat ?"
Student C replied immediately :
"Chicken, Fish and Beef !"
>_< " fainted.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Monday, August 07, 2006
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Current Mood: Irritated
Current Taste: Nil
Current Clothes: Singlet with shorts
Current Desktop: A monkey hugging a doggie
Current Toenail Color: Naturel
Current Time: 1108
Current Surroundings: An empty living room
Current Annoyances: No freedom
Current Thoughts: Is that the way you love me ?
First Best Friends: Ferrari (a name of my primary school friend)
First Crush: JY
First Movie: Lion king
First Lie: The TV switched on by itself
First Music: Classical piano
Last Cigarette: Nil
Last Drink: Milk
Last Car Ride: in Ronnie's car (Nissan Sunny)
Last Crush: ho ho ho
Last Movie: Pirates of carribeen
Last Phone Call: From my hall camp instructor. "hi. are you coming for the camp?"
Last CD played: Nil
Last song played: Nil
Have you ever
Have you ever dated one of your best friend: No.
Have you ever broken the law: yes.
Have you ever been arrested: no
Have you ever skinny-dipped: what is skinny-dipped
Have you ever been on TV: yes, i shot two advertisement before !
Have you ever kissed someone you don't know: of cos NO !
5 things you are wearing:
my bossini singlet, shorts, and specs. only 3.
4 things you done today: wake up, brush teeth, eat breakfast, read newspaper
3 things you would like to hear right now:
This is a car for you. You can live in a hostel. I love you.
1 thing u do when you're bored:
typing this post
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Better be save than sorry! Hi all, pls read the following message from a friend of mine, is very true, pls be careful, its not a joke.......
Be careful when u draw cash from ATM with receipt which complete with ur account number. never, never throw the receipt in the public even if u must tear into small pieces before throwing it away.
Today, just got a call from my sis that she had lost all her cash from her account whereby she threw the receipt into the bin provided at atm recently. luckily, she only has $633/= in her account. Not much of suspicious when she was left with $11/= coz she thot it was her petrol giro payment, however, that's not true.
she only got to know it when the petrol company, mobil cut-off the petrol card's transaction that she realized something is wrong. after checking with the bank, she was told that now there is this syndicate who will pick up the atm receipt & with their IT expert, they are able to draw out your money.
The bank will not be able to trace where these ppl had drawn the money & how they do it, dun ask me,even the bank also can't answer it. They only can advise you to report the case to the police for investigation. My sis is the third victim in this month. So! PLS REMEMBER HUH!!!!
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
* Had 5 baskeball session at TJC
* Gave 44 lessons of tuitions
* Referee nine matches
* Finished reading 15 comics
* Finished reading 5 books
* Watched 4 movies ( MI 3, Over the hedge, X men 3 and the Da Vin Chi Code)
* Went for friend's mother's wake
* High tea with mother at Park way Thai restaurant
* Watched the Basketball A division Boys final (HCJC WON AJC 44:36)
* Met up with Jesmen and Zhen xiang to have dinner at Carl's junior
* Went to Australia Immigration to help my student apply visa
* Open a E saver acoount at Standard chartered
* Dim Sum Lunch with Monkey and Vincent
* Went for Ci Qing camp (2 days one night)
* Tried the fish and chips at the Manhatten Fish Market
* Release fish at changi jetti
* Went back to TJC for college day and recived colour award for Basketball
* Had lunch at Delifrance
* Helped out in the World Book fair which held at suntec
* Went back GESS to play basketabll
* Listened a talk at suntec
* Went for NTU body check up
* Tailor made my very first black pants (failure)
* Went back to TJC to take my A level cert
* Watched 2 movies (Car and Crazy)
* Read 1 book
* Gave 35 tuition lessons
* Referee 70 matches
* Finished one set of comic (liu4 dao4 tian1 shu1)
* Went for referee welfare meeting at Changi CC
* Food testing at Far East Plaza (great experience! you get paid to eat the food, why not ?)
* Bought a black belt and three pants from GREAT SINGAPORE SALES (yeah!)
* Cut my hair
* Release Fish at changi jetti
* Went to visit Ronald's new house
* Breakfast at burger king with lam
* Particiapted the referee contact 3 on 3 tournament (we got second)
* Referee the U-14 Boys final for T-NET cup
* Referee the U-16 Boys semi-final for Milo youth cup
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Dear Principal, Complain on XXXXXXX Polytechnic School Fee
lim bei ka li kong, you have charge me with unfair school fee. Lim bei bo join any student union wat 4 charge me wif student union fee! KNN... i attachment outside still charge me internet access fee, ke si ar! Yio siew, u think lim bei rich ar! KNN i work till siao also jus barely make it. Still retain me for 1 sem. u think everyone makin $$ like u all ar. Kaoz... Econ bad leh... still dun gif discount stay for 3 years liao, discount a bit cannot ar. Ge Gao! i go buy food for 2 weeks auntie oso charge less, somemore i study TP 3 years liao still no rebate. still wan me to pay extra $$. KNN, next time u try ppl overcharge u lar.
Wa lao eh, last time tt indian principal let us play dai dee in school, u now come liao then cannot play. wat freakin problem u have!!! u cant win in dai dee also cant stop us from playin wat. All work n no play make us dumb students k! u read so much still dunno ar. wat kinda of a freakin principal r u! u think u big ar! ur size big onli. do nuttin n earn so much! na bei take my school fee go play mahjong issit! kaoz, pay so much but facilities still so bad. canteen no air con, so many birds fly here, fly there. U think funny issit!
swimmin pool so small, somemore no lady life guard. and the dance studio no ppl dancin air con still on, u think air con bill u pay one ar! waste my money on unuse air con! somemore the sports facilities oso lao ya one, basketball bo hong, squash ball buay tiao. na bei, u think funny issit!
I oso wanna tok bout the lab ar, KNN build more lab lar! free access always full. and we use to have a set of equipment each for lab but now 2 person share 1. u sell the rest issit! earn profit still raise school fee! u outside earn so much then still kapok our school fee. Ke si ar! u so good then go SP lar.SP big school and more students, u can exploit them wat. u think TP students hao qi fu ar! Burn ur car then u know. So rich ar, employ a security to "protect" ur car somemore still got 1 video cam. u think u drive sports car or Limo?! u car onli Nissan Sunny, act machiam like very high class like tt. Ppl drive Benz oso park outside ar.
All Poly got fast food except TP, u go build 1 fast food resturant lar...damn pai seh u noe, ppl always make fun TP no fast food. Carona oso bo yong... u keep so many Kois for wat, u think our school fee for u to buy Kois ar!
i hope that u charge less (better if no need pay school fee).Otherwise undesirable action will be taken against you and your damn car!.
from a very buay song student, T0uy@ Akr@
Friday, June 09, 2006
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Friday, May 12, 2006
However, the dear mama lee, doesn't think so. She thinks that this is not OUR business, and she refuses to help ah seng to settle the visa. She said "wo3 yo4 bu4 hui4, rang4 ta1 zi4 ji3 xiang3 ban4 fa3 lor"
I was like "HALO~", ah seng staying here to let you earn money, then you still showing this kind of self-fish attitute. If such little thing, you also refused to help, then next time who will want to stay at our house? -_-'
I was really turn off by her words. And i told her, ah seng is living at our house, and he is paying the rent, so we should try to help him as much as possible, to make this place feel like a home for him. Of course, she couldn't listen in, and walked off to her room. And now i am printing out the "Application to visit Australia for toruism" for ah seng.
I know mama lee is a great person. She has many qualities that i really admire. But one thing is that, some how, she is too self centered. In her world, there are only two things, Me and Herself. She even puts me on top of her priority list. There is a very thin line between "caring" and "controlling".
She doesn't play mahjong and go shopping like a tai tai. She could, but she didn't.She always used ME as an excuse for not going dinners with her friends. She always said "sorry, i can't go. Because i have to take care of my child, even thought everyone know I am 19 already! " She doesn't initiate to call or contact her friends unless necessary, and she never writes back to her friends' greeting cards.The worst thing is that, she complains to me she doesn't have a friend!
"Can i go oversea alone or with my friends?" i asked.
"No" she answered.
"Can i stay overnight at my friend's house?" i asked
"No" she asnwered.
"Can i watch a mid night movie?" i asked
"No" she asnwered.
"Can i dye hair?" i asked
"No" she answered.
"Can i...." i asked
"No.... no.... and No...." she answered.
Too many choices in my life. Are made by her.I am 19. And i am going to a university. I am doing good. I have a good mother.
Once, I asked her : "when will u let me do what i want, choose what i like"
She said : "soon... soon... "
I belive ten years down the road, or maybe 20, 30 ... years later
Her answer is still : "soon... soon..."
I asked her again : "when will you feel comfortable to let me be independent"
She said : ".... "
I asked : "why?"
She said : "Because i have nothing buy you now, and i can't afford to lose you."
That's the ultimate powerful sentence in the world. And i know i have to take that.My lips sealed, and i know i can't blame her for that.
Now is 12:32AM, she is shouting from her bedroom to ask me to sleep. Fine! I wonder does it occur to her that i have no school tmr and currently i am having a long holiday.
Mother's day is coming. I know I love her as much as I do belive. seriously, I do love her. But, some how, i dun feel like i am being myself. oh well~ HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
- Fu xing primary school
- Gan Eng Seng School
- Temasek Junior College
Name 3 things in your wallet :
- EZ link card
- POSB ATM card
- Picture of my father
Name 3 things you always wear :
- T shirt
- Cap
- Specs
Name 3 favorite fruits :
- Watermelon
- Banana
- Mango
Name 3 places you want to go on vacation :
- HK
- Japan
Name 3 things that scare you :
- Taking exams
- Losing my loved one
- Misunderstadning by others
Name 3 plans for tomorrow :
- Give tuition
- Play basketabll
- Tidy up my room
Name 3 career choices :
- School teacher
- News reporter
- Businessman
Name 3 things you are addcited to :
- Iced Milo
- Feng Yun comics
- Playing basketabll
Name 3 things you like to do :
- Sleeping
- Lose weight
- Earn more money
Saturday, May 06, 2006
I get discouraged now and then
when there are clouds of grey.
Until I think about the things
that happened yesterdasy.
I do not mean the day before,
or those months ago.
But all the yesterdays in which
I had a chance to grow.
I think of opportunities that
I allowed to fall aside.
And those I took advantage of
before they passed me by.
And i remember that the past
presented qutie a plight.
But somehow I endured it and
the future seemed all right.
And i remind myself that
I a mcapable and free,
And my success and
Happiness are really up to me.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
*Went for the referee graduation lunch at european association
* Gave 27 lessons of tuitions
* Had 5 basketabll sessions at TJC
* Finished reading 5 books
* Finished reading 14 comics
* Watched 2 movies at Bugis with mother ( Keeping mum and Inside man)
* Extend my student pass
* Received payment for being a mystery shopper last month
* Had 16 games of basketabll referee experiences
* Refereed the Street Basketabll Gala 2006 Men Open Final
* Had 7 games of waterpolo table official experiences
* Went for two NTU interviews
* Went for NTU tea party
* Had a dim sum buffet
* Had a fish head steam boat with yang
* Bought a brown colour long sleeve shirt for 80 dollars (not for myself !!!)
* Got myself a new phone (panasonic VS6)
* Brought my cousin to tour around Singapore
* Changed my keyboard to black colour
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Saturday, April 29, 2006
There was a man who had four sons. He wanted his sons to learn not to judge things too quickly. So he sent them each on a quest, in turn, to go and look at a pear tree that was a great distance away.
The first son went in the winter, the second in the spring, the third in summer, and the youngest son in the fall.
When they had all gone and come back, he called them together to describe what they had seen.
The first son said that the tree was ugly, bent, and twisted.
The second son said no it was covered with green buds and full of promise.
The third son disagreed; he said it was laden with blossoms that smelled so sweet and looked so beautiful, it was the most graceful thing he had ever seen.
The last son disagreed with all of them; he said it was ripe and drooping with fruit, full of life and fulfillment.
The man then explained to his sons that they were all right, because they had each seen but only one season in the tree's life.
He told them that you cannot judge a tree, or a person, by only one season, and that the essence of who they are and the pleasure, joy, and love that come from that life can only be measured at the end, when all the seasons are up.
If you give up when it's winter, you will miss the promise of your spring, the beauty of your summer, fulfillment of your fall.
Don't let the pain of one season destroy the joy of all the rest.
Don't judge life by one difficult season. Persevere through the difficult patches and better times are sure to come some time or later.
Friday, April 28, 2006
Monday, April 24, 2006
Singapore has featured in yet another survey. This time a human resource soncultancy has found ours to be Asia's top city to live in. We don't care who else they asked, thry did not ask us. We use their criteria - and this is the inside story.
Political and social environment : The political environemnt is as stable as Everset. Law enforcement is superb - just try overstaying your parking coupon.
Socio-cultural environemnt : Strict control of what can be seen and heard ensures Singaporeans' maturity peaks at six years. There is complet freedom to shop.
Medical and health considerations : Medical help is readily available, but queue time depends on finances. Infectious diseases are minimized - except in cases of stupidity, subervience and silence.
School and educations : Schools produce a homogenous populace. The best schools have the fewest places - to ensure a homogenous populace.
Public services and transpotation : There's enough power to light up the skyline, enough water to feed the Suntec fountain, enough buses at off-peak hours, enough taxis before 11pm, and traffic jams even during ERP hours.
Recreations : Restaurants abound in every shopping mall. Cinemas all show the same five films, so you need not go far for a movie. We have more sports facilities than medal-winning athletes. The major leisure activcity is surfing between Channels 5, 8 and U.
Housing : Homogenous humans live in homogenous housing. Most households ahve TV, fridege, aircon and Internet. Few have bookshelves. Furniture readily found at chain furniture outlets - compact furniture is best seller.
Natural environemnt : Homogenous climate 24/7, with no risk of earthquake, tsunami, hailstorm, typhoon, hurricane etc. The only likely disasters are the deaths of intelligence and individuality.
Latest : A study by anotehr human resource firm finds Singaproeans to be Asia's most overworked and burnt-out employees. We rest out case.
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Sunday, April 09, 2006
When I ask you to listen to me and you start giving advice, you have not done what I asked.
When I ask you to listen to me and you begin to tell me why I shouldn't feel that way, you are trampling on my feelings.
When I ask you to listen to me and you feel you have to do something to solve my problems, you have failed me, strange as that may seem.
Listen! All I asked, was that you listen.
Not talk or do - just hear me.
Advice is cheap: 50 cents will get you both Dear Abby and Billy Graham in the same newspaper.
And I can do for myself; I'm not helpless. Maybe discouraged and faltering, but not helpless.
When you do something for me that I can and need to do for myself, you contribute to my fear and weakness.
But when you accept as a simple fact that I do feel what I feel, no matter how irrational, then I quit trying to convince you and can get about the business of understanding what's behind this irrational feeling.
And when that's clear, the answers are obvious and I don't need advice.
Irrational feelings make sense when we understand what's behind them.
Perhaps that's why prayer works, sometimes, for some people - because God is mute, and doesn't give advice or try to fix things, God just listens and lets you work it out for yourself.
So, please listen and just hear me, and, if you want to talk, wait a minute for your turn, and I'll listen to you.
* A level results out
* Gave 33 lessons of tuitions
* Had 8 basketabll sessions at TJC
* Finished reading 7 books
* Watched performance at NYJC
* Book of the month (The kite runner by Khaled Hosseini)
* Watched 3 movies ( The big mama's house 2, Munich and V for Vandetta)
* Participated in Gage's filming
* Cut hair
* Being a mystery shopper for 4 hospitals
* Had 27 games of basketabll referee experiences
* Had 17 games of waterpolo table official experiences
* Sent in my Uni Applications
* Went out for durian feast with Alvin and Rui Teck
* Took part in NUS 3 on 3 with Derek, Allen, Wei Jian and Dennis
* Had a dinner treat from my student's fatehr at Lawry's the Prime Rib
* Met up with Jesmen for lunch at cafe cartel
* Open a 10 years saving account
* Got myself a pair of OP slippers for just S$15
* Stayed in Hotel Intercontinental at Bugis
* Had my first sip of white wine and red wine, I still think that Qoo tastes better
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Monday, March 20, 2006
公豬總是先讓母豬吃,等她吃飽了再上去吃母豬吃剩下的東西,每天晚上公豬總是給 母豬放哨,
他生怕主人乘他們熟睡時把母豬拉出去宰了。 日子一天天的過去,母豬日漸長胖,而公豬則一天天瘦下去。 有一天,公豬突然聽見主人在跟屠夫商量,要把長勢見長的母豬殺了給賣掉,公豬傷 心至極。
於是從那天開始公豬性情大變,每當主人送吃來時公豬總搶上去把東西吃的一乾二淨 ,
每天吃後便躺下大睡,並且告訴母豬現在換做她來放哨,如果他發現她沒放哨的話就 再也不理她。
漸漸的日子一天天過去,母豬覺得公豬越來越不在乎她,母豬失望了,而公豬還是若 無其事的過著安樂日子,
很快一個月過去了,主人帶著屠夫來到豬圈,他發現一個月前肥肥壯壯的母豬瘦的沒 剩下多少肉,
而公豬則長的油光發亮.這時的公豬拼命的奔跑,想引起主人的注意,表明他是頭健 康的豬。
終於,屠夫把公豬拖出豬圈的那一刻,公豬朝著母豬笑著說:『以後別吃這麼多!』 母豬傷心欲絕,拼命的沖出去,但圈門被主人關上了,擱著柵欄,母豬看著閃著淚光 的公豬。
那晚,母豬望著主人一家開心的吃著豬肉,母豬傷心的躺倒在以前公豬每天睡的地方 ,突然她發現牆上有行字:
Monday, March 13, 2006
After the matches, Alvin, RT and I went to Geylang to look for "the-yummy-and-tassty" D24 durians. Haha, three of us finished 6 durians, which cost us 20 bucks. It was really great, not only the durians, but the time that old friends like us, gathered together and shared our lives. Of course, Alvin is still as lame as he used to be, for some points of time, we just felt like smashing the durian shells on his face. Oh well... lame~~~ (lame chop!)
Sunday I was busy with the filming, yah, being a "one-day-star". Haha, it was so cool working for a short film, I was so excited to see the cameras, the lights, the crane, the dolly and blah blah blah. Since we were new to the filming and acting, one shoot can really took us for up to an hour or so. It was a tiring task, because i am seriously NOT GOOD at smiling, but for those "supposed-to-be-happily-in-love" shoots, I have to "SMILE-AS-NATURAL-AS-POSSIBLE", gosh! And surprisingly, for the break up shoot, I only took ONE shoot! and my line was like "LET'S BREEAK UP". The whole group was teasing me to be a good heart braker, and i must be TRAINED brining up the break up (shakes head) =P
Oh yah, i told my mother i went to OPEN HOUSES, but well... actually i went to filming. heehee
Monday morning, i was supposed to prepare the essays for my uni application, but well, i just end up here talking craps and blogging.. woo hoo.. piak... bad jun xian =)
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Thursday, March 02, 2006
* Open a POSB saving account (2 years plan)
* Had 6 basketabll sessions at TJC and block 108
* Had 3 cycling sessions
* Watched the movie I NOT STUPID TOO again
* Officially completed the basketball referee course
* Gave 26 lessons of tuition (2 students)
* Watched the performance "Cursive" by cloud gate dance theatre of Taiwan
* Watched the performance "The last night of Taipan Jin"
* Got back my referee theroy test (84/100)
* Strike 4D and won a consolation price
* Cut my hair
* Had bah gu teh at bugis (nice!)
* Had a taste of swedish massage (lousy)
* Completed reading 7 books
* Had 36 games of referee experiences
* Donated S$60 for the chartiy organization (annually)
Friday, February 24, 2006
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
作者在生前完成了一系列有故事性的漫画,然而却患上了罕见癌症 -扩散型滑膜肉瘤症。他原本想等病情好转后出版成书,不过壮志未成便与世长辞,
电话 :67852568
电邮 :email@kg-senang.org.sg
Monday, February 13, 2006
I dreamt abt my A level results, and it really sucks.
I got E E F C6 in my dream, and i felt lost as i couldn't get into any local university with tt kind of grades.
Then i woke up, in sweat.
Sitting on the bed.
Thinking, what should i do?
Was it a hint or prediction?
Or... maybe its time for me to get a cold shower then...
Hopefully it is just a dream.. (A dream tt doesn't come true)
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
* Had a dinner at Tao restaurant (the food is nice, the service is nice, but the price is abit too high )
* Had 3 basketabll sessions at TJC
* Had 3 tennis sessions at Dennis's condo (The Tenamerah)
* Watched four movies (Chinese tall story, In her shoes, I not stupid too and Fearless. I not stupid too is the best among these four. Two tumbs up !)
* Completed the mini basketball referee course. (Now i am a qualified primary school basketabll referee)
* Applied Passion card for S$13.20
* Applied Sentosa islander card for S$19.50
* Had one sun tan session at sentosa (I got sun burn in the end)
* Gave 23 lessons of tuition (2 students)
* Had 3 sessions of neck massage (My neck is very problematic, it makes me can't sleep well at night)
* Had 10 theory lessons on basketball referee (different from the mini basketabll referee)
* Had a dinnger gathering with yang, feng and gage for my birthday celebration
* Received 2 birthday presents (T_T)
* Had a birthday cake from awfully chocolate. (nice... satisified)
* Had a reunion dinner with mother at Suntec Swensen (S$52)
* Met up with Taro
* Met up with Jesmen (Glad that he likes the shirt)
* Met up with Dennis for supper (Yong he dou jiang)
* Completed 5 books (On my way to finish the Harry potter and the half blood prince)
* Had 9 games of referee experiences
* Received 3 ang bao
* Donated S$15 for the chartiy organization
* Bought a bicycle from Carrefour (S$69.90++)
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
* Giving Chinese and Maths tuition for all primary school and secondary school levels.
* 1 to 1 attention compared to large classes in schools and tuition centres.
* Convenience and flexible time. The student need not go anywhere else. He/she may have tuition at the most convenient time at home.
* Having an inspiring role model. A good tutor will be able to inspire your child to work hard towards his/her studies.
* If interested please call : 98630895 (Mr Lee)
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
He always mixed up my name with his ex-tutors. In fact, he always called me wei xian instead of jun xian... grrrrr... I received low pay, and this boy is not motivated at all. BUT, still I can't resist the temptation of buying potato chips for him to award him. Guess I am born to be a teacher bah? ho ho....
Next time i should post some pictures of this little evil boy. He looks cute.... ha
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Meaning is something you build into your life.
You build it out of your own past, out of your affections and loyalities, out of the experiences of humankind as it is passed on to you, out of your own talent and understanding, out of the things you belive in, out of the things and people you love, out of the values fro which you are willing to sacrifice something. The ingredients are there. You are the only one who can put them together into that pattern that will be your life. Let it be a life that has dignity and meaning for you. If it does, then the particular balance of success of failure is of less account.
Friday, January 06, 2006
Interesting story....
A : Why do you like me..? Why do you Love me?
B : I can't tell the reason.. but I really like you..
A : You can't even tell me the reason... how can you say you like me? How can you say you love me?
B : I really don't know the reason, but I can prove that I love you.
A : Proof? No! I want you to tell me the reason. My friend's boyfriend can tell him why he loves him but not you!
B : Ok..ok!!! Erm... because you are beautiful, because your voice is sweet, because you are caring, because you are loving, because you are thoughtful, because of your smile, because of your every movements.
Than A felt very satisfied with the B's answer.
Unfortunately, a few days later, A met with an accident and became comma. The Guy then placed a letter by his side, and here is the content:
Darling, bcoz of your sweet voice that I love you... Now can you talk? No! Therefore I cannot love you.
Because of your care and concern that I like you.. Now that you cannot show them, therefore I cannot love you.
Because of your smile, because of your every movements that I love you.. Now can you smile? Now can you move? No, therefore I cannot love you...
If love needs a reason, like now, there is no reason for me to love you anymore. Do love need a reason? NO! Therefore, I still love you...And love doesn't need a reason
Sometimes the best and the most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen, cannot be touched, but can be felt in the heart "
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Never say goodbye if you still want to try – never give up if you still feel you can go on – never say you don’t love a person anymore if you can’t let go.
Love is when you take away the feeling, the passion, and the romance in a relationship and find out that you still care for that person.
It takes only a minute to get a crush on someone, an hour to like someone and a day to love someone – but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.
The beginning of love is to let those we love be just themselves, and not twists them with our own image – otherwise, we love only the reflection of ourselves we find in them.
Giving someone all your love is never an assurance that they’ll love you back! Don’t expect love in return just wait for it to grow in their heart but if it doesn’t, be content it grew in yours.
A sad thing in life is when you meet someone who means a lot to you, only to find out in the end that it was never meant to be and you just have to let go.
Dream what you want in dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be, because you have only one life and chance to do all the things you want to do.
Blog Archive
- 《纯真》作词:阿信 作曲:阿信长长的路上我想我们是朋友如果有期待我想最好是不说你总是微笑的你总是不开...
- 你贪得一点儿爱,葬的卻是我的心 !
- 是 我 太 善 良 了 嗎善 良 的 讓 你 胡 作 非 為是 你 太 善 良 了 嗎善 良 的 與...
- No title
- No title
- Dog's talkingOei! Handsome, are you trying to tak...
- Is it the latest fashion to wear two watches now ?...
- The design is created by my tuition kid by using h...
- Oh man~i miss the time in primary school back in T...
- Main title : HOW TOXIC I AMsub-title : HOW HAIRY M...
- This monday I went to my friend's office at Ubi to...
- 急事,慢慢的說;大事,清楚的說; 小事,幽默的說;沒把握的事,謹慎的說; 沒發生的事...
- 资本主义社会必须仰赖商品就有如呼吸一样自然生成,现代生活空间里充斥着无所不在的广告,成为了一种好像是...
- You Have Your Sarcastic MomentsWhile you're not sa...
- 老师:「小新,请用『左右为难』来造句」小新:「我考试时左右为难」老师:「是题目不会答,让你左右为难?...
- 哭,真的是软弱的表现?不然!哭,是人性中最真实的情感,人来到世上第一声是什么?哭!开心时会哭,难过时...
- Last week was a crazy week. I had a econ quiz and ...
- <!-- BEGIN bunnyhero labs pet code -->
- Just done this memoriter test:My priorities in lif...
- you can simplify your life by cutting back at work...
- C A T C H T H I S I F Y O U C A NThe Profound Pare...
- 請告訴你身邊所有戴隱形眼鏡的朋友在烤肉,或任何有可能接觸到火源的地方,請將你的隱形眼鏡拿掉!聽過一件...
- I really can't find a reason to continue tuition t...
- When i went home and took my shower, Ah seng came ...
- Name 3 schools you went to :- Fu xing primary scho...
- It's Up To MeI get discouraged now and thenwhen th...
- WHAT HAVE I DONE IN THE APRIL 2006*Went for the re...
- stupid meZhenXiang -- You Are My Sunshine says:wat...
- Love is stronger than death even though it can't s...
- 所谓的付出,常常只是我们实现自己梦想的方式。也许在实现的过程中,别人因此而受益,但这不表示别人就欠了...
- 有一个人睡着,梦见自己是蝴蝶,结果他行过来后,就一直搞不清楚到底是他睡着,梦见自己是蝴蝶,还是有一只...
- Lessons on Life There was a man who had four son...
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- Silly -__-if i ever create my own political party...
- T o p C i t ySingapore has featured in yet another...
- Suddenly I dunnoe what should i post here. . . . ....
- I don't know what to sayI don'y know what to doI s...
- This was the book that caught my eyes when i was a...
- Something I read that's meaningful.When I ask you ...
- This was the oily prawn-egg dish that I have order...
- WHAT HAVE I DONE IN THE MARCH 2006* A level result...
- 愛 與 自 由每一個人都渴望愛,也渴望自由。可是人很矛盾,愛就像狗,自由是狗的尾巴。狗常常一直追著自...
- Life is unpredictable along with many of the thing...
- In any relationship.The essence of trust is not in...
- When you need me but do not want me...then i must ...
- 從前有兩隻小豬,整天過著無憂無慮的生活,他們互相相愛著。每天主人送來吃的時 候,公豬總是先讓母豬吃,...
- This was my birthday cake =)
- Saturday night met up with Alvin, Rui Teck and the...
- There are lots of moives that i want to watch1. Mu...
- Its time again for me to update what have I done ...
- WHAT HAVE I DONE IN THE JANUARY 2006* Had a dinner...
- HOME TUITION* Giving Chinese and Maths tuition for...
- Currently I am giving a tuition to a primary 4 boy...
- Does anyone aware that :Human beings are designed ...
- 即使長大了,個性還是像小孩子一樣。。。仔細想想。這不也是種幸福嗎 ?
- Meaning is not something you stumble across, like ...
- Interesting story.... A : Why do you like me..? Wh...
- It just don't feel nice when people telling u :"TE...
- A chair is still a chair,even when there's no one ...
- Wat's Love??Never say goodbye if you still want to...
- 感情就像一雙鞋子!!不是每雙鞋子天生就是合自己的腳 有的像拖鞋!!雖然舒服但是卻登不了大堂 有的像皮...